Monday, September 3, 2007

10Th meeting

Yes I experience and encounter a bad peer pressure and i find it hard to decide because it is my close friend who are tempting me to drink alcohol but i tried to support my decision and i said NO! and i feel ashame to my friends but they understan and respect my decision because i explain to them what is the consequences when i dank alcohol.I realize that you can when you have disclipline yo your self and have dignity in life.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

8th meeting

I take the challenge telling the truth to others like being a prank. One time i have an test has a failing marks but i tell to mom that i failed the test but she's not get mad.She said study hard to get better grades and avoid other things that i dont need to do. Firs when I am saying to my mom i feel ashame on my self because i failed but one of my professor said "learned from your mistake". Now I realize saying the thruth is not bad it will fell into a good conclusion. I believe that "HOnesty is the best policy"

7th Meeting

When i review my grade in the survey.My grade average 30 and that means their are good traits and theirs something need to improve. Then i realize that I am not so concern about our nature and I feel bad because of that. But now I am trying to love the nature and improve the traits that i need to improve. There are to many things that i need to improve to my self but from this days i am trying to be more optimistic and a good follower to my teachers, parents, guardian, and respect others.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sixth meeting

Challenge Yourself
I challenge my self to get a high score in quizes or seat work when theres a quiz i always studying even though iam so sleepy but the result of my sacrifices give me a better result of the quizes and i beat the challenge and iam so proud of my self and i realize that the saying in filipino"pag may tiyaga may nilaga" and thats true because i sacrifice and get good grades.

2.. Assignment for next meeting
a. Read about the effects of smoking.

When i have read the effects of smoking i am a little bit affected because i always inhaled a smoke from cigarrets because of grand father. I was shocked when prof. Mondez showed the difference of healthy lungs and poor lungs it so digusting the poor lung was so dark and has many tiny dark spot . Starting that day i try to avoid to inhaled smoke from cigarrets.

b. Watch the film “An Inconvenient Truth”, starring Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim.

When a watched the film first i feel boring because i thought its a typical movie but so and so for i get interested because i was alarmed that after 30 to 50 years our polar ice caps could be melt and the sea level will increase 20 feet and i was shocked because Phillipines may be flooded ..."wag naman sana". And now i am going to try to do somethings can cause global warming.

5th meeting

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”
For this time my best and great accomplishment and one of my dream is being a CAT officer when i was in my high school days. I remember when our senoir officer giving application form to those want to undergo to the training i am so excited because its one of my dream to become CAT officer. Every morning I am leaving our hose 430 am in the morning because our late is 515 am in the morning and when arrive to the school gush this is a very very very tiring and killing day hahahahahah... because when our CAT officer came to school we are starting have an killing exercise like push up,pumpings,squat,squatras,rolling, and other crazy things. Sometimes our officers like "malakas ang trip" they are calling COCC and command to dance or to sing and they are always laughing when iam dancing at 1st iam so ashame but when the time goes by its my daily routine and take note i have a dance number every day. Every friday we have a training we are marching and holding riffles not only that we have a pocket note inside that mini note book the rules and other orders about CAT is writen their . All my sacrifice to take that training was very meaning full and unforgetable experience to me.

4th meeting

4th meeting

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

I realize that my characteristic has many good positive traits and iam trying to be more good to other people. I feel glad to my self and keep going what are my positive traits.

2. The Golden Rule says, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;
i don't want my classmate to laugh and my teacher dont get mad.

- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
I want my classmate or group member give some comments and listen to my opinion.

- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
I think i would like to approve my suggestion.

- when you commit mistake;
I want sometimes to correct me and i learned from my mistakes.

- when you don't like doing what they ask you to do;
Just listen what they are doing give some cooperation.

- when they want to give you comments or suggestions?
when my suggestion is not really good.